National Fertility Conference - Melbourne 2024
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Treacy Centre, Melbourne |

Friday 23 February 2024: Social Gathering
We will begin our event with a social gathering on the Friday night at the Princes Park Bowls Club for
dinner and bare foot lawn bowls.
* Please note that the social gathering is optional - tickets are available for purchase in addition to the conference ticket.
Saturday 24 February: Conference and Gala Dinner
Gather together at the Treacy Centre in Parkville from 9am. Registrations open from 8am.
Public forum: one couples journey through infertility with the educators and clinicians that worked with them towards a happy and
healthy pregnancy.
Three conference sessions: pre-conception, fertility education for adolescents and health workers, managing early pregnancy
complications and menopause from a restorative fertility framework.
We conclude our event with a gala dinner at the Treacy Centre commencing at 5pm with pre-dinner drinks and canapés in
the garden courtyard, then a seated 2 course menu in the Edmund Rice room.
This event will be a great way to reconnect with colleagues, make some new contacts and be inspired to continue the great work you are
doing through 2024.
We look forward to welcoming you for a wonderful gathering of fertility educators, medical practitioners and academics.
Tickets include the Conference Dinner costs.
Accommodation options will be sent out with your registration.